Budapest Klezmer Band - Folklore Yiddish D'Europe Centrale = Yiddish Folklore From Central Europe (CD)

Budapest Klezmer Band - Folklore Yiddish D'Europe Centrale = Yiddish Folklore From Central Europe
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  • N°: 226341380796
  • EAN: HMA 1903070
  • Category: Yiddish
  • Availability: Out of stock, can be ordered
€ 3,00 (VAT incl.)
ISO € 19,00

Hungarian klezmer music group, formed in 1990.


  1. Skutchna = Danse Juive = Jewish Dance 3:54
  2. Le Train De 7 H 40 = The 7.40 Train 2:17
  3. Vi Azoy Lebt Der Keyzer = Comment Vit Le Tsar = How The Tsar Lives 3:29
  4. Polish Patsh-tants = Danse Polonaise Avec Claquements De Mains = Polish Clapping Dance 2:15
  5. Leymakh = Maboul = Crackpot 2:25 Firen Di Mehutonem Aheym = Retour De Noces = Return From The Wedding 3:07
  6. Di Mame Iz Gegangen = Maman Est Partie = Mummy Has Left 4:58
  7. Mitzva-tants = Danse De La Fiancée = Dance Of The Fiancée 3:00
  8. Havah Nagilah = Réjouissons-Nous = Let's Rejoice 4:50
  9. Der Yid In Yerosholayim = Le Juif A Jérusalem = The Jew In Jerusalem 3:23
  10. Di Rebbetsin = La Femme Du Rabin = The Rabbi's Wife 4:19
  11. A Gleyzele Vayn = Un Petit Verre De Vin = A Little Glass Of Wine 2:50
  12. Hasid-tants = Danse De Hassidin = Dance Of Hassidin 2:01
  13. A Brivele Fin Aheym / A Yiddishe Mame = Lettre De Mon Pays / Une Mère Juive = Letter From Home / A Jewish Mother 5:44
  14. Freylakhs = Fous Rires = Loud Laughter 3:11
  15. ebbe Motenyu = Le Rabbin Motenyu = Rabbi Motenyu 4:25
  16. Mazel Tov = Bonne Chance = Good Luck 1:58
  17. Hosn-qale = Fiancé-Fiancée 2:03
  18. Beym Rebbe In Palestine = Chez Le Rabbin En Palestine = At The Rabbi's Home In Palestine 3:30