Accademia Amsterdam - A Choice Collection Of Dances (CD)

Accademia Amsterdam - A Choice Collection Of Dances


  • N°: 1727b019dbb646
  • EAN: AA 001
€ 19,00 (VAT incl.)

NEW EDITION: 2 EXTRA TRACKS A Choice Collection of Dances. A CD with an enchanting, exciting and varied repertoire of pieces of baroque dance music, recorded by Accademia Amsterdam. We proudly announce a new release: A Choice Collection of Dances, Music for Baroque Dances at the Court and Theatre.This CD, with its enchanting, exciting and varied repertoire of pieces of dance music, will delight both dancers and musicians, as well as those who simply enjoy listening to beautiful (early) music. A Choice Collection features music for 26 notated choreographies, for most of which to date no 'danceable' recording has been available. The selected choreographies range from danses à deux to solos for men and ladies, from dances for three or four dancers to the occasional contredanse. The 16-page booklet offers interesting information about Baroque dance and its music in general as well as a short paragraph about each of the recorded dances. The music was recorded by the Dutch Baroque ensemble Accademia Amsterdam; the notated choreographies were selected and reconstructed by Dorothée Wortelboer.


  1. Dances for the Ballroom
  2. Dances fro the Theatre
  3. Menuet for the Ballroom
  4. Dances for the Ballroom
  5. Dances for the Theatre
  6. XIII° Recueil de Dances fro the year 1716
  7. A taste of the exotic: dances with a Spânish and Italian Flavour
  8. Two English Dances