The Assembly Players - PLayford From The New World (CD)

The Assembly Players - PLayford From The New World


  • N°: 4693317f7bf0f
  • EAN: APCD 9701
€ 18,50 (VAT incl.)

20 English Country Dances composed by American teachers as Scott Higgs, Gary Roodman, David Maceman, Claudio Buchwald, Gary Roodman, Fried de Metz Herman, Kitty Creelman Skrobela, Rich Gallaway, Diane Schmit, Gail Ticknor, Sheila Scott & Janine Mark.

Containing full instructions for all dances.


  1. Early One Morning
  2. Wibsey Roundabout
  3. Cynthia's Waltz
  4. Helene's Night Out
  5. The Wedding Of Mai & David
  6. I Care Not For These Ladies
  7. The Archbishop
  8. Good Man Of Cambridge
  9. The Road To Youth
  10. Sparkling Eyes
  11. The Belle Of Northampton
  12. Lady Williams' Delight
  13. Devil's Maggot
  14. The Bonny Cuckoo
  15. Russian Dance
  16. The Stitcher's Birthday
  17. Handel With Care
  18. Winter Dreams Waltz
  19. The Matching Pair
  20. Peace Be With You