OUT OF THE HAT, includes music for dances by: Gary Roodman, Loretta Holz, Charles Bolton and Fried De Metz HermanT
- Ashford Anniversary - 3C Set Dance - 3 x 20 bars
- Reel Des Jeunes Mariés / Reel St. Joseph / Old French - Contra Reels - 9x32 bars
- Portsmouth - Longways - 7x 32 bars
- Scotty O'Neil / Happy Acres Two-Step - American - 4 x 32 bars
- The Homecoming - Longways - 7 x 24 bars
- Bus Stop reel - Dedicado à Jos / The Ponecall - Contra reels - 9 x 32 bars
- Christina - Longways - 7 x 32 bars
- Fair Jenny's Jig / Myra's Jig - Jigs - 6 x 32 bars
- Hand in Hand - Longways - 7 x 24 bars
- Asher / Nixon's Farewell - American Reels - 4x 32 bars
- Fandango - 3C Set Dance - 3x64 bars
- Kesh jig / Out on the Ocean / Stoll of Repentance - Irsih Jigs - 7 x 32 bars
- Mount Hills - Longways - 7 x 32 bars
- Bryon's Boutade - 4 C Set Dance - 4 x 32 bars
- Candles in the Dark - Waltz - 7 x 32 bars
- Batchelder's Reel / Pays De Haut - The Gale - Contra reels - 9 x 32 bars