The 6th album recorded by CHESTNUT.
The suite allowed us to highlight one figure by using variants of it as is shown by the crossings in Suite No. 1, to give an account of the inventiveness underlying the use of progressive figures (Suite No. 2), to put dances displaying a standard lay-out with others of unusual length (Suites Nos. 5 and 6) and to deal with problems encountered in progressive longways in the earlier editions of PLAYFORD, proposing workable solutions.
Taken individually, many of the dances chosen are relatively short. It is hoped that they will allow beginners to master basic figures such as reels, heys, reversing the set, etc…
Presented in suites, these dances can also be taken up as a challenge by advanced dancers who no longer need to repeat movements and who are well able to memorize long and varied sequences of dances.
Besides the suites intended for teaching purposes, this new album includes two dances taken from later editions and a number of modern suites from various choreographers which are enhanced by the beauty of the music of Henry Purcell, Turlough O’Carolan and Georg Philipp Telemann. These dances are more ambitious and less predictable than those in the Dancing Master and they put into practice the idea of a moving chorus alternating with solo dancing.
To make this new recording possible we have asked two groups - Ensemble The Kings Delight and Ensemble The Theater of Music - having previously performed for CHESTNUT, to play for us. Each group brings its own style and sound to the overall musical experience of the album. The title “Jog On” is borrowed from one of the 1651 edition dances. “Jog On”
Suites et danses John Playford 1e – 4e éditions (1651 -1670)
Suites XVIIIe siècl
12. The Humours of the Age
13. Les Ombres Chinoises
Suites modernes
14. All the King’s Horses (Kings and Queens Quartet – Cécile Laye)
15. Elspeth I – II (Kings and Queens Quartet – Cécile Laye)
16. Boadicée (Kings and Queens Quartet – Cécile Laye)
17. The Royal Brothers (Kings and Queens Quartet – Cécile Laye)
18. Four Winds
19. Barbara Villiers
20. Badineries I – II