Mik Lammers - 4 Potatoes and a Few Notes (Music Book)

Mik Lammers - 4 Potatoes and a Few Notes

Music Book

  • N°: 2742bb3552eabf
  • EAN: B 501
€ 7,50 (VAT incl.)

AADS publishes tunebook by Mik Lammers. Mik Lammers is a musician living at Utrecht, the Netherlands, who is best known as the pianist with The Little Tinkers. Recently the AADS published some of Mik’s original dance tunes.

The new book is called 4 Potatoes and a Few Notes and it includes 29 new (country) dance tunes: eight reels, five jigs and five marches. Besides there are seven waltzes and four English style tunes. Each tune is chorded.

Five new dances (all English style except the last one) were written to fit Mik’s music and their notations have been added: “Fine Dame” by Simone Verheyen; “Silver September” and “Vintage 38” by Antony Heywood; “A Trip to Mortsel” and “An Alternative Line-Up” by Philippe Callens.