First published in 1935. Book 10 contains detailed instructions for 12 dances with full piano scores for the original tunes.
Editie 1952
- Montgomeries' Rant, The Reel 32
- Infare, The or Will ye go and marry Ketty? Strathspey 16
- General Stuart's Reel or New Way of Gildon, The Reel 32
- Lady Jean Murray's Rant Strathspey 32
- Crieff Fair Reel 24
- Shepherd's Crook, The Strathspey 32
- Isle of Skye Reel 32
- Maggie Lauder Strathspey 32
- Scots Bonnet, The Jig 32
- There`s Nae Luck aboot the Hoose (S, 4 cpl longwise, 32)
- Miss Mary Douglas (J, 4 cpl longwise, 48)
- The Lady`s Breist Knot (S, 4 cpl longwise, 16)
- 1935
- 1st edition
- All sales go to the “Philippe Callens Fund". The fund supports young musicians playing for English Country or American Contra Dance.