RSCDS - Book 10 (Dance book)


Dance Book

  • N°: 2988c7458c6d22
  • EAN: B 241022-5
€ 1,50 (VAT incl.)

First published in 1935.  Book 10 contains detailed instructions for 12 dances with full piano scores for the original tunes.

Editie 1952


  1. Montgomeries' Rant, The Reel 32
  2. Infare, The or Will ye go and marry Ketty? Strathspey 16
  3. General Stuart's Reel or New Way of Gildon, The Reel 32
  4. Lady Jean Murray's Rant Strathspey 32
  5. Crieff Fair Reel 24
  6. Shepherd's Crook, The Strathspey 32
  7. Isle of Skye Reel 32
  8. Maggie Lauder Strathspey 32
  9. Scots Bonnet, The Jig 32
  10. There`s Nae Luck aboot the Hoose (S, 4 cpl longwise, 32)
  11. Miss Mary Douglas (J, 4 cpl longwise, 48)
  12. The Lady`s Breist Knot (S, 4 cpl longwise, 16)
  • 1935
  • 1st edition
  • All sales go to the “Philippe Callens Fund". The fund supports young musicians playing for English Country or American Contra Dance.